Monday, April 21, 2008

Weekend Update/So Many Seders

It’s Monday and so far the Seder count is:

Me: 3
B: 4

Seder #1: A couple of weeks ago B & I went to the Women’s Seder at the Temple. This was freakin’ awesome because no boys/men were allowed! (Plus it was a dessert Seder. Yea, no gefilte fish!

Seder #2: Saturday Night -The Family Seder: Our family & many other families were invited by friends from temple to their family Seder. Approximately 50 people attended this Seder. (Glad I didn’t have to cook!) The food was more traditional but the setting was still pretty laid back. **This is when I started to get Seder Burn-Out.**
The family owns a couple of very hairy and shedding dogs that wandered around the room while the Seder was in progress. Of course, my allergies decided to flare up. I went bed with stuffy ears and nose. Gross. :(

Seder #3: The Temple’s Congregational Seder: Thank goodness I was able to help serve and clean up. –Really- it made everything seem to go along much faster. The food was good and the conversation was GREAT! Glad we got to sit with the Jacobs and Cook families. I jokingly told JJ I thought we were placed in the “loud section” because of the kids.
My allergies were still crazy because of some bug spray/ perfume that continuously wafted in my general direction.

Today I am barely making it through the day because of ye old allergies.

**Sooooooo….I have been to so MANY Seders that my pee still smells like grape juice! (I just can’t bring myself to drink 4 cups of Manischewitz.)

**B went to her school Seder Friday, which I was told was an hour and ½ long. Way too much for kids to bear! –Only my opinion.

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