Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Halloween Past

I have been inspired by all of the Halloween posts and pics to let you in on how we celebrate Halloween at the Kally Casa. I will begin with a Kally Halloween Past aka Trick or Treat.

Miss B was 3 years old and ready to hit the Halloween homes in her sweet little Tinkerbell costume and pumpkin head candy bucket. Somehow she convinced Mr C to wear a neon orange wig as his costume. I lucked out since we did not own anymore wigs or costumes. My costume of choice for the night was a pair of khakis and a long sleeved t-shirt. We paraded her around the neighborhood in search of candy. She wouldn't say "Trick or Treat" by herself so we were calling it out with her. B loved all of the attention and the candy was an extra perk for her. We did get a couple of odd looks and I began to wonder what was wrong. Did that many people think it was weird for us to take a 3 year old trick or treating? After walking around 2 more blocks we finally decided to end this night of bumming for candy. Miss B went up to the door, rang the bell and this Grizzly Adams looking guy answered the door and told B he just ran out of candy. Then all of a sudden he looked at me, started to smile and said he would give her a can of pop. He plunked it into her bucket and smiled as we walked off. Mr C and I kept wondering why the weird turnabout from Grizzly when all of a sudden I looked down and realized the zipper on my khakis was down and wide open giving good ole Grizzly a view of my underwear. I was so embarrassed but later laughed about all those crazy looks I was getting and wondered what the heck people thought when I came up to a house with my fly open yelling "Trick or Treat!"

Am I alone or do you have an embarrassing Halloween mishap to share?


Kim said...

Oh my goodness. That made me laugh out loud. I haven't had any embarrassing Halloween moments, but definitely had a misguided costume in college. I went as the Bride of Frankenstein with my hair ratted out.

Coming home from a party at 3am is not the best time to try and start coming that kind of sh*t out.

Ah, memories.

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

My children will both try to convince you that they're still scarred from the year that I made their ghost costumes from old sheets (hey, for once I was trying to be cost conscious). They looked like two ragamuffin little children and the ghost year was my one and ONLY attempt and "making" costumes.

Jen Z said...

Oh yeah, something like that happened to me in high school, the last time I ever went trick-or-treating. I had dressed up in some sort of genie costume, and when I rang the neighbor's doorbell, the dad of the 2 little girls I'd babysat for answered, looked me up and down, and then dropped a piece of candy in front of my bag so I had to bend down to pick it up. It was soooo creepy, I never trick-or-treated again, or babysat for that perv! His poor girls. Almost all costumes for women are designed to be "sexy-this-or-that" so it's really hard to get into the spirit of Halloween as an adult, I find.