Last night I realized the movers are coming to pack the rest of my house, including furniture, on Friday 29th and we are not leaving until Wednesday Sept. 3rd. This means I will have 4 days and nights without furniture to sleep. Unfortunately, I already packed the air mattress. Any takers for housing the Kally Family? Just kidding. We might get a hotel room or just sleep on the floor? What have you done when faced with this situation?

With Jen and baby coming home on the 30th, things will be too crazy at our house. But you're welcome to borrow our air mattress, sheets, and sleeping bags if you want them. And anything else you might need, let us know!
We've always gone to a hotel for the night. Go get dinner, have a hot bath and sleep in a real bed. That's what I would do.
Would invite you here if you could handle the cats. But I know that your alergies would go crazy. It would be fun though having you guys over.
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