Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pick My Next Read

Help. I have finished People of the Book and I need a new read. I haven't posted my review for the last book since I am still trying to get my shhhtuff together. You know how it is. I really need a new read especially since I will be on the Oregon Trail for 4 days. (In the case you don't know...Computer Co is having movers take our things to OR but most employees will be shipped via the Trail. This will be 4 RVs with hired drivers trucking us to OR. Pretty crazy.) Please leave me a suggestion of what book I should bring along with me.



Jen Z said...

I don't know what kind of book you're looking for here, but my favorites this year have been Beautiful Boy (by Sheff), Escape (by Jessop), The Thirteenth Tale, and The Historian. Three Cups of Tea was one of my favorites last year if you haven't read that one yet.

nanc said...

I'm presently reading The Thirteenth Tale. My book recently read and The House of Mirth which was wonderful. I've also recently read When You Are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris. Any of his books are enjoyable and easy to get into.

Claremont First Ward said...

I finally broke down and starting reading the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer. Great, easy reads. Also, I think I may have recommended the Poisonwood Bible, Little Women and Jane Eyre.

Unknown said...

Will there be an open bar? Just thought since you will not be driving you might as well kick back with a bottle of wine and a good book. That is what I would do if I wasn't breastfeeding.
Have you read Sarah yet? It was really good. I have it and you can have it if you want it.